Nagios Scheduling Problem

Jason Martin jhmartin at
Wed Dec 22 22:54:02 CET 2004

On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 04:50:53PM -0500, Joseph Shakespeare wrote:
> Has anyone had problems with nagios' scheduling queue?
> I have about 300 service checks, and for some reason, nagios queues 
> them, and only about 150 of them run. The others get stuck in the queue 
> and never run.
> I had service checks that hadn't run in 2 weeks while the others ran at 
> the 3 minute interval that they were supposed to run at.
What version of Nagios?

I had an issue where it looked like the update to the DB was
taking as long as the update-interval, so I think Nagios didn't
have time to do anything else. I also found that parallel checks
was set to 0 which hurt performance as well.

Turning on check parallization and setting the status update
interval to 90 seconds seemed to help.

This is with Nagios 1.1.

-Jason Martin
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