Reports only show data from a specific tim e period?

Paul L. Allen pla at
Wed Feb 4 21:52:24 CET 2004

Daniel Jimenez writes: 

> Does anyone have any ideas?

I really can't see the point of this.  Why present them with a display
that's a lie?  But since they want it, here are some thoughts. 

Tell your managers *not to look* at the output of the CGI outside
of those hours. 

Tell your managers that if the see a problem reported outside of their
hours they should treat it as a request for a pay rise and totally ignore

Have a cron job modify the contents of the htpasswd.users so that your
managers *cannot* see the output of the CGI outside of those hours. 

Run two copies of nagios in parallel with different sets of working hours?
This is almost sensible, the downside would be doubling the overhead of
checks on monitored hosts, but you could pass it off as fault-tolerant
redundant monitoring. 

Write a plugin that passes on a command to another plugin (like
check_by_ssh does) and not only returns a result to the nagios process
that called it, it also uses nrpe to submit a passive check to a second
instance of nagios on another server that is used by the pointy-haired
ones and has different working hours.  Maybe you can do something like
that with nrpe directly, but I haven't looked at it deeply enough to
know one way or the other. 

Tell them it isn't possible without major modifications to the code that
could only be done by Ethan on a contractual basis and it will cost them
*big* bucks.  That sort of argument usually works.  Slip Ethan $10 for
a few beers so he'll back up your story if they ask him. 

To be honest, I think my original solution is cleaner.  LART them to
death then tell the CEO that you need replacements because the ones
you had just stopped working and can't be rebooted. 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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