
Marc Powell marc at
Fri Feb 6 22:23:00 CET 2004

On Friday, February 06, 2004 3:10 PM, Thilanka shared with us:

> check_by_ssh (Version: check_by_ssh (nagios-plugins 1.4.0alpha1) 1.18)
> OS: Solaris 8
> Is it possible to specify a password even though it may not be
> possible when 
> trying to monitor a remote host using the check_by_ssh plugin ?

Ssh itself doesn't let you specify a user password on the command line
and check_by_ssh is just a wrapper to ssh so no, not really. That's
assuming I'm understanding your question properly. The best you can
probably do is using ssh's authorized_keys functionality to allow a
particular user from a particular host to log in without a password.


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