
jeff vier jeff.vier at
Tue Jan 13 21:25:15 CET 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 14:10, Neil wrote:
> Me again. Question about check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60% 
> 1. What would be the ideal or best practice way of finding the parameters 
> for the warning and critical values for check_ping? Btw, just got those 
> parameters from the sample files. 

Depends.  My environment has a few different settings.
For instance - from where my local DC is (Chicago) to my DC in New
Jersey, I'm a little easier on the RTT.  Local machines I tolerate less

> 2. I also would like to know how we were able to come up with 20% and 60% on 
> the command above. From the help of check_ping, it tells us that RTA and PL 
> are 2 separate values. So, I can say here that 100.0 is not dependent on the 
> 20%. Am I correct? 

Correct.  Boolean OR.

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