Host up, services me

Marc Powell marc at
Thu Jan 22 20:46:15 CET 2004

On Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:32 PM, Fernando dos Santos Camargo
shared with us:

> Hello people, i have Nagios Monitoring my network and my service
> definition is like this: 
> define service{
>         name                            generico
>         active_checks_enabled           1
>         passive_checks_enabled          1
>         parallelize_check               1
>         check_period                    24x7
>         notification_period             24x7
>         notification_interval           120
>         obsess_over_service             1
>         check_freshness                 0
>         notifications_enabled           1
>         event_handler_enabled           1
>         flap_detection_enabled          1
>         process_perf_data               1
>         retain_status_information       1
>         retain_nonstatus_information    1
>         is_volatile                     0
>         max_check_attempts              3
>         normal_check_interval           3
>         retry_check_interval            1
>         contact_groups                  telecom
>         notification_options            w,u,c,r
>         register                        0
>         }

This is not a complete service definition, it's a service template
(register 0) _and_ it's missing a check_command and other items. A
service template can be created to be applied to a valid service
definition for inheritance reasons.
> My hosts definition is this:
> define host{
>         name                            generico
>         notifications_enabled           0
>         event_handler_enabled           1
>         flap_detection_enabled          1
>         process_perf_data               1
>         retain_status_information       1
>         retain_nonstatus_information    1
>         checks_enabled                  1
>         check_command                   check-host-alive
>         max_check_attempts              10
>         notification_interval           60
>         notification_period             24x7
>         notification_options            d,u,r
>         register                        0
>         }

Again, not a host definition but a host template. Same comments as above
but you do specify a check_command here (although it's never used unless
this template is applied to a valid host definition).

> I will explain my problem:
> I have one HOST and its SERVICES is DOWN, but the HOST is not down( i
> tested a ping and its ok), therefore nagios should not include the
> HOST at "hosts down list", but nagios is including this host and mark
> it as a down host. What would i have to do?  
> I think that nagios should include the host marking it as a DOWN HOST
> only if the host dont respond. 

Nagios does what you expect it to do by default. If a service on a host
fails, nagios will execute the host check_command to verify the state of
the host. Given the information presented above, I am surprised that
you're seeing any information at all for the host and service. Is there
more to your host and service configs that haven't been shared?

I would recommend that you read the following URL's for clarification --


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