Where have the cgi gone?

Thilanka thilanka at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 26 22:24:57 CET 2004

This way to stupid for me to even read it. Paul has some interesting points, 

but he needs to go somewhere where he is going to make a buck or two for his 

support. God help those people who come to softflare or where ever you work, 

for any help. I am sure there is a manager who keeps all the so called geeks in 

check. Have a great day!

Oh on a side note ....I have got most of the stuff running now. Thanks to Marc 

Powell and other "intelligent" people (some people do not fit this category) 

who have helped me. Thanks everyone! And Paul a thank to you too. You pointed 

out a couple of points that I might look into.


Wondering whether my name might have set him off ....hmmmmmmm that might be 

it...I guess ..who knows...either way ...I cannot do anything about it cause I 

was never in-charge coming up with a name when I was born. LOL

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