check_dns, check_ssh seem to time out....

nemir nemiria nemir at
Tue Jul 6 10:17:21 CEST 2004

<snipped the previous details>

I neglected to make totally clear the versions of things I was running.

Data centre 1 - OpenBSD 3.5, nagios 1.2, nagios-plugins-1.3.1 and for sms notification gnokii 0.6.3.

Data centre 2 - Fedora Core 2, nagios 1.2, nagios-plugins-1.3.1. gnokii 0.6.3.

check_shs and check_dns seem to be working totally fine out of data centre 1,  but not out of data centre 2.  I have check_ssh working for all the systems in the local network, but not for the one remote host.

Thanks for your attention 


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