Notification Timing
Marc Powell
marc at
Wed Jun 9 18:04:51 CEST 2004
Wheeler, MG <mailto:MG at> wrote:
> I have a service that is paging me every 15 minutes (Its only a test
> and it is "Down.") Here's the thing though, the service itself has
> this defined:
> Nagios.cfg
> Status Update Interval 15
> Retention Update Interval 60
> Service Reaper Frequency 60
> Interval Length 60
> Services.cfg
> Max Check Attempts 2
> Normal Check Interval 5
> Retry Check Interval 1
> So shouldn't I get paged every 2 minutes since the Max Checks
> Attempts = 2? If it was because of the Normal Check Interval being 5
> minutes, then the one minute retries I would think it to be 6
> minutes. Where does the 15 minutes come from????
If the service is constantly down then no, none of that really comes
into play as far as notifications. You'll get an initial notification
when the host goes down (actually up to 6 minutes after the host goes
down depending on scheduling, normal_check_interval and
retry_check_interval) and then subsequent notifictions go out at the
notification_interval defined for the service
( until
the service recovers. When the service recovers everything is reset and
you begin again. There are some other variable in there related to
flapping but they're not really pertinent here.
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