Check_mailq usage
carole verdon
verdon at
Thu Jun 17 17:38:40 CEST 2004
I find what it's my problem. In fact, the /usr/bin/mailq command count
the number of "requests" for the queue directory: /var/spool/mqueue
[nagios at gw1-mail plugins-scripts]$ ./check_mailq -w 200 -c 500 -f
/etc/mail/ -v
qpattern before open mailq= /var/spool/mqueue
after open, mailq= /usr/bin/mailq
qpattern apres if= /var/spool/mqueue
/usr/bin/mailq = /var/spool/mqueue (618 requests)
size = 618, msg_q = 618 warn=200 crit=500
msg_q = 618 warn=200 crit=500
CRITICAL: mailq is 618 (threshold c = 500)|unsent=618;200;500;0
So when i want run the script to the queue directory:
/var/spool/mqueue1, it don't work.
[nagios at gw1-mail plugins-scripts]$ ./check_mailq -w 20 -c 50 -f
/etc/mail/ -v
qpattern before open mailq= /var/spool/mqueue1
after open, mailq= /usr/bin/mailq
OK: mailq is empty|unsent=0;20;50;0
How can i do to take into account /var/spool/mqueue1 /usr/bin/mailq command?
Thanks for your help.
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