statusmap images
Kerry Cox
kerry.cox at
Wed Jun 23 18:05:49 CEST 2004
I've checked through the archives and have been unable to find this
question properly addressed. I have been able to download and install
all the new icon images in the /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos/. In
most cases they appear just fine when I generate my Status Map.
I've been wanting to create additional images to define the other types
of systems I am using.
The new system itself appears as a gray question mark, but when I hold
the mouse over the host, the new icon appears.
Is there any way I can have the new image appear in the Status Map as
I am including a URL to a screen shot that shows this better.
Here is an example from my hostextinfo.cfg file:
# website template
define hostextinfo{
name website
icon_image firefox.gif
icon_image_alt Hosted Web Site
vrml_image firefox.gif
gd2_image firefox.gd2
register 0
# end template
define hostextinfo{
use website
2d_coords 100,350
3d_coords 4.0,0.0,0.0
# Scientific Linux 3 template
define hostextinfo{
name sl30
icon_image sl30.gif
icon_image_alt Scientific Linux 3
vrml_image sl30.gif
statusmap_image sl30.gif
gd2_image sl30.gif
register 0
# end template
define hostextinfo{
use sl30
2d_coords 100,350
3d_coords 4.0,0.0,0.0
The new images appear when I mouseover, but do NOT appear in the Status
Map. I have generated the correct transparent background and the proper
gd2 images using the correct tools.
This is what I have in my cgi.cfg file pointing to my hostextinfo.cfg
Kerry Cox <kerry.cox at>
KSL Radio and Television
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