traliing slash in URL path configuration

C. Bensend benny at
Tue Mar 2 05:56:49 CET 2004

> But what happen to me now is that, after I have done all the changed as
> described in the document, the browser still don't accept user to type
> .  Whenever user types

This is absolutely an Apache config problem.  On my servers, I have the

Alias /nagios/  "/home/nagios/share/"
Alias /nagios   "/home/nagios/share/"

And both http://server/nagios and http://server/nagios/ work just fine.
Perhaps you need the quotes?

> , it will reditect to http://_default_/nagios   and display "page cannot
> be
> display error, server not found.."

Take a spin through your Apache documentation - this is simply something
you need to sit down and fix.  And no, I can't tell you how to fix it,
because I have no idea what your vendor's Apache config is like.  ;)


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