Database Support - with historical data

Marc Powell marc at
Thu Mar 4 17:02:14 CET 2004

On Thursday, March 04, 2004 7:04 AM, Dhawal Doshy shared with us:

> Well actually we also intend on storing only statusdata.. looks like
> we'll have to do with a small query every minute and dump the data
> into another table.. (which is a very bad idea) Is it advisable to
> move to postgres (on solaris 8) and also is it possible for you to
> share this trigger thingy?    

I believe the attached sql is all that is necessary. Just FYI, we only
keep the data in postgres temporarily. Every 3 hours we move the data
from servicestatus_history to SQL2000. I'm not sure how postgres would
handle doing this for a large installation and maintaining the data
permanently. You will of course need to come up with your own scripts to
veiw and/or manipulate the data in servicestatus_history. Since we don't
do anything with it directly from postgres I don't have anything to
contribute along those lines. Also, as to whether it's advisable to move
to postgres depends entirely on your ability to manage and maintain a
postgres installation. I don't believe there is any significant
difference as far as Nagios is concerned.

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