check_* -w and -c switches

Paul L. Allen pla at
Fri Mar 5 12:19:27 CET 2004

Karl DeBisschop writes: 

> The output from check_procs --help is below. 2 paragraphs plus 4
> examples. Please feel free to suggest specific improvements.

The paragraph I came up with to explain the full range syntax was: 

   RANGEs are specified as 'min:max', 'min:', ':max', 'max' or '0'.  A
   RANGE specified as 'min:' is treated as min:infinity.  A RANGE
   specified as '0' is treated as '0:infinity'.  A RANGE specified
   as ':max' or 'max' is treated as '0:max'.  The symbol '~' is treated
   as negative infinity.  If the RANGE is prefixed with '@' then alert
   if inside the range rather than outside the range. 

I don't know offhand if check_procs supports the full syntax, so some of
that may not be applicable. 

> I guess an example for 0 is in order:

Probably a good idea.  People ought to be able to figure it out, but it's
a fairly common requirement if you need to check that a particular
daemon is running.  I generally check crond that way. 

Paul Allen
Softflare Support 

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