How to debug plugin getting into UNKNOWN state

Markus Baertschi markus at
Tue Mar 9 15:35:56 CET 2004

Paul L. Allen wrote:

> As far as I know, you can't get more debugging info from Nagios.  All
> it can tell you is what the plugin reports.  You can, with some plugins,
> use -v to get more info from the plugin, but unless the extra info is
> all on one line (it almost never is) then you'll only see the first line
> logged.
>> The plugin works very well when used from the commandline (as nagios 
>> user).
> Yes, but you don't run it from the command line as often as Nagios
> runs it.  So if the problem only shows up intermittently, you may never
> see it from the command line.  I still believe that you need to show us
> your plugin if you want us to help you.  The problem could be DNS
> timeouts, or intermittent connectivity problems, or a bug in your code.
> We can't check if you get occasional DNS timeouts or intermittent
> connectivity problems but we can examine your code.

I found the problem by adding some debugging and logging code to
the plugin (writing to a separate file).
The main problem was that the running nagios and the user nagios
did not have the same environment (.profile is not executed when
starting nagios) and this fooled me.


  Markus Baertschi             Phone: ++41 (21) 807 1677
  Bas du Rossé 14b             Fax  : ++41 (21) 807 1678
  CH-1163, Etoy                Email: markus at
  Switzerland                  Homepage:

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