Distributed Woes - Passive Check Results not being submitted to Master

AJ McKee aj.mckee at nmtbmedia.com
Thu Mar 11 05:27:27 CET 2004

Hi All,

Okay so its 4:30am so I may be missing something really silly here but
here goes.

I have 2 servers, both running Nagios 1.2. One Is the master and one the
slave. The slave host has been configured in accordance with the docs @
http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/1_0/distributed.html as has the
master and I have used the scripts found in the Nagios source directory
under contrib/eventhandlers (the distributed ones)

On the slave OCSP is set to 1 and the command is set up to either one of
the following event handlers in misccommands.cfg

define command{
        command_name    submit_check_result
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/submit_check_result $HOSTNAME$
define command{
        command_name    obsessive_svc_handler
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/eventhandlers/obsessive_svc_handler $HOSTNAME$

I have used a config with both of these at one stage or another. I have
installed NSCA and tested communicatins between both hosts. All fine. I
have called the scripts from the slave and sent data to the master
server and seen the information appear there no problem. So the scripts
are fine. 

Now when I am running Nagios on the slave, it does not submit data back
to the Master. Tcpdump show nothing, I can see anything in the logs on
either host especially on the Master where I should see the passive
service check data. 

So obvisouly I have done something wrong. Anyone got any ideas? Any
hellp welcomed & valued


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