acknowledgment comment missing

Jason Lukitsch jlukitsch at
Fri Mar 12 06:52:43 CET 2004

Hello all- 

New install of nagios-1.2-0.rh90.dag w/ nagios-plugins-1.4.0alpha1-1 

Ive looked over file permissions, etc and cant nail this one. User comments arent showing up in acknowledgment messages sent to other contacts. The email and page arrives at the destination but the sent message doesnt contain any info of who sent the acknowledgment or any entered comments.

  If I tail the nagios.cmd file, I see the correct user info and comment as seen below

$tail -f  /var/log/nagios/rw/nagios.cmd

[1079070567] ADD_HOST_COMMENT;ns5xt-tru-burl-ste245.corp.local;1;jason corp-burlingame;ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: we are currently looking in is issue
[1079070567] ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM;ns5xt-tru-burl-ste245.corp.local;1;we are currently looking in is issue

The email/page then shows up as seen below:

***** Nagios *****

Host untrust-if- is DOWN!

Date/Time: Thu Mar 11 21:28:07 PST 2004

Any ideas ?

Thank you

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