(no subject)

Adam Luchjenbroers adam at luchjenbroers.com
Thu Mar 18 07:24:45 CET 2004

I have written a perl script which parses incoming syslog data and submits
information to nagios via the command file.

I am having an issue where the reported time in Nagios is 12 hours in front
of what it should be, this issue only exists for this particular service.

The code used to do the translations from date to epoch and epoch to date
are provided below.

sub epoch {
open (DATE, "date -d \'$_[0]\' +\%s 2> /dev/null |");
$epoch = <DATE>;
if ($epoch == 0) {
open (DATE, "date +\%s |");
$epoch = <DATE>;
close DATE;
chomp $epoch;
return $epoch;

sub date {
@date = localtime($_[0]);
return sprintf("%s %2s %02s:%02s:%02s", $months{$date[4]}, $date[3],
$date[2], $date[1], $date[0]);

The epoch to date conversion has been used specifically to test the date to
epoch conversion and has verified that it functions correctly (two scripts
are used to test it, one generating dates at 1hr intervals and the other
converting to epoch and back and verifying that the date reported is the

Anything people might recommend looking into?

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