Problem with time between soft down checks

Josh Van As JVanas at
Thu Mar 18 15:52:05 CET 2004

Thank you for the advice!

I hope this has been changed in 2.0, or at least made user selectable.

How do you just run service checks for a particular host?  I thought
there had to be a host check so that you can set up a service check?

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Powell [mailto:marc at] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 9:40 AM
To: Josh Van As; nagios-users at
Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Problem with time between soft down checks

The time between service check retries is configurable and you should be
able to do what you want with those. The same cannot be done for host
check retries however. The way nagios is designed is that if the status
of a host is at all in question it must be definitively determined
before any other checks can proceed. In fact, _everything_ else stops
until the status of the host is determined to be in a HARD state and
nagios will rapidly issue the host check_command up to the maximum
retries. This is necessary so that the network reachability and
dependency tests work correctly (and others I'm sure). I'm not sure if
this behavior has been modified in 2.0a. Someone out there may have a
suggestion for a workaround but I think the standard assumption is that
the network transport is good and if it wasn't you'd want to know about
it. I personally can't offer a suggestion other than either modifying
your host_check command to artificially introduce a delay but that will
throw a lot of other checks out of wack or not doing host checks at all
for those specific problem hosts.


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