statusmap, weird problem

Mikko Kaipila mikko.kaipila at
Wed Mar 24 11:57:57 CET 2004


This may some kind of FAQ, but at least that has been taken a couple of
days to find any solution to the next problem:

I have compiled nagios-1.2.tar.gz in Debian stable/testing system with
all kind of png/jpeg/gd library-dev support. When I run the
configure-script, I got:

 We'll use default routines (in xdata/xsddefault.*) for status data
We'll use default routines (in xdata/xcddefault.*) for comment data
We'll use template-based routines (in xdata/xedtemplate.*) for extended
data I/O...
We'll use default routines (in xdata/xrddefault.*) for retention data
We'll use template-based routines (in xdata/xodtemplate.*) for object
data I/O...
We'll use default routines (in xdata/xpddefault.*) for performance data
We'll use default routines (in xdata/xdddefault.*) for scheduled
downtime data I/O...
checking for main in -liconv... (cached) no
checking for gdImagePng in -lgd (order 1)... (cached) yes
GD library was found!

Which shows that GD/GD2-support found? and compilation (make all) goes
through without problems.

But, but. Still there are no images in the statusmap area (gd2_images);
Only icon_images are displayed well.(which proves, that images are
locating in right place) 

I have tried different image formats and different configurations in
hostextinfo.cfg, like:

define hostextinfo{
        host_name               rh_machine
        icon_image              redhat.jpg
        statusmap_image         redhat.gd2
define hostextinfo{
        host_name               HDSL-modem
        icon_image              ds11.png
        gd2_image               ds11.png

And all kinds of different definitions also, but no result.And the
images are locating in /usr/local/nagios/share/images/logos, which is
sure the correct place.

I think, that there is still needed some (image)lib-support which is
needed before compilation of statusmap.cgi - even that configure script
doesnt complain anything.

Can somebody at least tell, which libraries should be installed before
compilation (by apt-get from testing repository). Or some other advice?

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