Nagios Missing Passive Checks

David Barnett DavidB at
Wed May 5 19:42:55 CEST 2004

I am running Nagios with mostly passive services and nsca/send_nsca.  I
have a service that gets triggered when an event occurs on a client
machine, and when the event happens, it passes two passive checks to
Nagios, one to turn the service to a Warning state and one to turn it to
an OK state (to trigger the event handler).  It will always send in two
checks, and they will occur back to back.  I have noticed that
occasionally, it misses one of the checks.  Because it misses the check
in, it fails to call the event handler, which is the most important
part.  I log everything I send with send_nsca, and it logs both checks.
I don't log passive service checks, because this would result in such a
large event log.  Why does this happen and what can I do to fix it?
Here are some variables in my nagios.cfg file:







Do I need to switch any of these values or is there something else I
need to do?  Thanks for any help



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