hostgroup.cfg file

Ed.StJohn at Ed.StJohn at
Fri May 21 16:11:32 CEST 2004

Hello Nagios community,


I am stumbling through my first Nagios installation. I am making progress
but I am hitting a few road blocks. Please excuse my ignorance as I am new
to Nagios and I appreciate all the help I can get with it.


I am running the sanity check after installing Nagios. I seem to be stuck on
my hostgroups.cfg file. I am getting an error message that says "could not
expand member hosts specifed in hostgroup ( config file yada yada yada line


My hostgroup.cfg file looks like this....


define hostgroup{

hostgroup_name            nt-servers

alias                             NT Servers

contact_groups              nt-admins

members                       WUSNE227,WUSNE187, etc,etc



I have edited my /etc/hosts file with all of the server names and IP address
and I can ping them all by name.


What am I missing?


Thank you for the help!




Ed St.John





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