Nagios-1.2, images and frustration...
sebastián serrano
sserrano44 at
Tue Nov 16 01:49:06 CET 2004
I was having the same problem until i found that the cgi whas reading the extinfo from database
NOT FROM /usr/local/nagios/etc/hostextinfo.cfg
you have defined
in cgi.cfg ???
>From Argentine
PD: if you don't understand my english, i can try writing it again.
I have the same problem as some other users. I am running Debian 3.1
with a self compiled nagios-1.2. Here are the ./configure-options:
./configure --with-template-objects --with-template-extinfo
The system is running fine but how do I get these icons in the
status map?
I read the archive, I goggled: nothing helps... I tried to copy the
statusmap.cgi from the Debian-package: nope - nothing helps.
Here is the rest of my config:
--- /usr/local/nagios/etc/hostextinfo.cfg ---
define hostextinfo{
notes_url http://localhost/munin
icon_image_alt Linux-Workstation
icon_image debian.jpg
vrml_image debian.jpg
statusmap_image debian.gd2
2d_coords 100.0,50.0
#3d_coords 100.0,50.0,75.0
--- cut here ---
I put the following line inside cgi.cfg:
The icon files are inside /usr/local/nagios/share/logos and are owned by
nagios.nagios with 664. The directory is readable. I tried the
debian-logo as replacement for the unknown logo and this works...
This is a really strange problem... Why are there so many people who
have this problem too and there is no solution for that?
Hope someone can help me...
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