Cannot map "tcp" to protocol number

Jason Signalness jason at
Fri Oct 29 18:58:42 CEST 2004


I'm new to Nagios - just investigating it as a replacement for Big 
Brother, which suddenly got expensive.

The problem I have is with check_http and some of the other plugins.  
When I run the check_http command manually (or other check_* commands) I 
get the "Cannot map tcp to protocol number" error.

Here's what I mean:

[nagios at netmon1 libexec]$ ./check_http -I
Cannot map "tcp" to protocol number
Unable to open TCP socket

My system is a Red Hat box on Intel, if that helps.  The check_http 
binary is finding all of its libraries (based on output of ldd).

I haven't had much luck with the list archives, manuals, or FAQs for 
this particular problem.


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