Problems with Maps and Network Outrages
Anton Krall
akrall-lists at
Mon Sep 6 19:56:56 CEST 2004
IE 6 and NS 7.02
Intruder Consulting
Anton Krall
Director General
akrall at
tel: 5781-5112
mobile: 1325-3511
IM: akrall at
%-----Original Message-----
%From: nagios-users-admin at
%[mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of
%Sand Philipp
%Sent: Lunes, 06 de Septiembre de 2004 12:50 a.m.
%To: nagios-users at
%Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Problems with Maps and Network Outrages
%Which kind of browser do u use?
%> -----Original Message-----
%> From: nagios-users-admin at
%> [mailto:nagios-users-admin at] On Behalf Of Anton
%> Krall
%> Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 7:38 AM
%> To: 'christian janssen'; nagios-users at
%> Subject: RE: [Nagios-users] Problems with Maps and Network Outrages
%> Installed, but nothing appears so far, still asking to download the
%> file :(
%> ------------------------------------
%> Intruder Consulting
%> Anton Krall
%> Director General
%> akrall at
%> tel: 5781-5112
%> mobile: 1325-3511
%> IM: akrall at
%> ------------------------------------
%> %-----Original Message-----
%> %From: christian janssen [mailto:proftp_cj at]
%> %Sent: Domingo, 05 de Septiembre de 2004 02:57 p.m.
%> %To: Anton Krall; nagios-users at
%> %Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Problems with Maps and Network
%Outrages %
%> %At 03:19 05.09.2004, Anton Krall wrote:
%> %....
%> %>Also, when I go to the 3d status map, I get a window asking to
%> %>downloading something or I get an empty window... Whats missing?
%> %....
%> %
%> %you need a VRML viewer (think the cosmo one was quit good)
%% %cheers
%> %Chris % %
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