Nagios 2.0 performance
Andreas Ericsson
ae at
Sun Sep 12 16:24:54 CEST 2004
Marc Powell wrote:
>>>Status should be stored within nagios, and the cgi's should query
>>>nagios (not the log file) for status.
>>>Status should be stored in a database.
>>I've mentioned this about a hundred times. If support for logging to a
>>socket in a straightforward and well documented way people wouldn't
> have
>>to fiddle with the core to develop clever way of logging status. Once
>>proper database-logging has been implemented, I'm sure some SQL-guru
> can
>>hack up a couple of superfast queries and donate them to the local
>>PHP-freak (php has the fastest hashes and best web-coding features
>>around, period), and web frontends should start popping up all over
> the
> Unless I'm being dense, this is my understanding of just what the event
> broker is designed for.
Problems with the eventbroker;
* It allows a module to schedule events, but not to receive them (if I
read the example code correctly). This allows for the crude sort of SQL
used earlier which deletes and recreates an entire table in one go, but
not for anything more clever than that (like using a persistent db
connection and just executing REPLACE statements for updated statuses
every 10 seconds).
* Sloppy code in the eventbroker may damage stability of the core nagios.
* Messages still have to be formatted using snprintf (or the crash-prone
sprintf, since snprintf isn't available on all systems). The function I
submitted took care of this 'in-house', using va_arg (works with std=c89).
* The eventbroker is extremely poorly documented, and won't even build
without patching on anything less than glibc 2.3 (in fact, making Nagios
2.0 build at all on glibc 2.1 requires some patching).
* There's no guarantee an eventbroker anybody writes will work with
future versions of Nagios. The entire system seems to be designed to let
everybody plug in their own version without ever letting any of them in
to the core-tree.
* After about 4 months, not a single eventbroker has been written that
I'm aware of. This suggests people don't like it all too much. A sure
enough sign it probably won't get very big.
* It interacts poorly with other languages. Most of the Nagios community
seem to be perl/shell-scripters rather than C-programmers, so
development is left to the precious few who know their way properly
around C.
* Debugging a module is pure hell, since it loads into another programs PTE.
So what could be gained by adding support for logging to a socket?
* Easy integration with a plethora of other languages.
* Logging to remote servers is made extremely easy.
* Very simple code allows for redundant monitoring systems with
heartbeat failover.
* Nagios core remains untroubled if the listening end of the socket is
completely bug infested.
* The listening end won't have to fork each time a message arrives.
Nagios' parent process can maintain a persistent connection throughout
its entire lifetime.
* Debugging the listener is simple, since it runs its own code in its
own process.
> The logging module (or db module or whatever
> someone writes) registers with the event broker to receive certain types
> of status data or all status data in a well documented format, when
> documentation is completed of course,
Has anybody seen any indication of this popping up somewhere?
> and the rest flows naturally as
> you described above. No messing with the core,
A module shares PTE with its loader, so messing with the core can't be
avoided as it is today.
> no worries about
> backporting for upgrades,
As long as all the functions are still available and accept the same
amount and types of variables, and as long as the data structures
doesn't change at all. Hmmm... somehow, I don't think Ethan will choose
to humour a wide variety of eventbrokers before adding new functionality
to Nagios.
> and people are free to do whatever they want
> with the data, including storing it in whatever format they want
Yes, but they have to schedule an event to fetch it first. The
log-message won't arrive at their doorstep when it's available (which
would keep system load at a minimum). Instead, a (possibly)
CPU-consuming function needs to run in the Nagios parent process.
> and
> writing entirely new CGI's, not that the last couldn't be done now.
> --
> Marc
Andreas Ericsson at
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