Host assumed to be up - status information

Lendra Tanujaya L.Tanujaya at
Thu Sep 16 06:14:23 CEST 2004

In response below, how do you add Nagios as a service check?








Message: 15

Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 08:55:39 +0800

From: nagios at

To: nagios-users at

Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Host assumed to be up - status information


On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 09:43:49AM +1000, Lendra Tanujaya wrote:


> Have you come across where the host status information appears with

> 'Host assumed to be up' rather than actual status of the host itself?


> Some of the hosts that I configured for Nagios appears with the above

> status and some with the actual status. I have looked at the config

> it all appears to be the same.


Nagios only performs host checks if a service check on the host

fails. If all service checks are okay, then Nagios will just assume

that the host is up and not check it.  The hosts that report the

actual status either have or had one or more failed services.


If you want the data gathered by the host check command available

at all times, you'll need to make add it as a service check.



Lendra Tanujaya

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