Dependency clarification
Hollist, Seth
Seth.Hollist at
Tue Sep 21 22:35:00 CEST 2004
I'm having a similar problem as described in the message below (I found it
by searching the archives). The thing I found is that all the services get
reported as down, but main service that they are all dependant on (the one
that is truly down) stays available. I looked into why it was still showing
as available, and it appears that the check keeps getting differed for some
reason. I tested it for hours, and the main service that everything else is
dependent on continues to say it hasn't been check for a longer and longer
period of time. Am I doing something backwards?
I'll cut and past a few small portions of my config to hopefully show you
how I've setup my dependencies:
define host{
use generic-unix-host
host_name lilo
alias Lilo
check_command check-host-alive
parents ingslcsdc-c
define servicedependency{
name generic-service-deps
dependent_service_description PING
execution_failure_criteria w,u,c
notification_failure_criteria w,u,c
register 0
define servicedependency{
use generic-service-deps
host_name lilo
dependent_host_name ingslcsdc-c
service_description PING
define hostdependency{
host_name lilo
dependent_host_name ingslcsdc-c
define servicedependency{
use generic-service-deps
name lilo-service-deps
host_name lilo
dependent_host_name lilo
register 0
define service{
use generic-unix-service
host_name lilo
service_description SSH
check_command check_tcp!22
define servicedependency{
use lilo-service-deps
service_description SSH
define service{
use generic-unix-service
host_name lilo
service_description NRPE
check_command check_nrpe_up
define servicedependency{
use lilo-service-deps
service_description NRPE
define servicedependency{
use generic-service-deps
name lilo-nrpe-service-deps
dependent_service_description NRPE
host_name lilo
dependent_host_name lilo
register 0
define service{
use generic-unix-service
host_name lilo
service_description MEM
check_command check_nrpe!check_mem
define servicedependency{
use lilo-nrpe-service-deps
service_description MEM
-----Original Message-----
From: Petr Simek [mailto:psimek at]
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 12:51 PM
To: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Dependancy clarification
On Fri, 2 Jul 2004, James Whittington wrote:
> I am checking a 30 - 40 internet facing services out of a backup
> internet link we have. Each website I manage is set as a host, the
> website hostgroup uses check_http to check websites.
> When there are hickups on the internet link I get 30 or so pages telling
> me all the sites are down.
> The current route would be:
> Nagios - SOHO - Cable modem - Internet - Pix - Websites
> I have tried to set up service dependancies where each segment of the
> way depends on each other:
> Cable Modem depends on SOHO being up
> Internet depends on Cable modem being up
> Pix depends on Internet access point being up
> Websites depend on PIX being up
> But I disconnected the cable modem and still got notifications that the
> sites were down.
See if cable modem DOWN state is detected before dependend sites are
detected as DOWN (max_atempts x normal_check_interval). Then You can
define in dependencies that next checks of dependent sites is supressed.
> James Whittington
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