Nagiosgraph question...

Guy Waugh gwaugh at
Wed Apr 13 01:35:50 CEST 2005

Braun Brelin wrote:
>>When you say you have to manually manipulate the URL, do you mean in
>>your web browser (on the loaded 'notes' page), or in the
>>serviceextinfo.cfg file?#
> On my browser page.  I.e. I have to manually type in the
> host=...&service=... on the browser in order to get the graph...
>>The default way to get a graph with nagiosgraph seems to be to append
>>'?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$' on the end of the 'notes_url'
>>entry in the serviceextinfo definition. This will graph every data
>>element saved in the RRD file for the service - for example, if you are
>>graphing load average and your nagiosgraph map file saves the 1min, 5min
>>and 15min load average in the RRD file, nagiosgraph will show all three
>>data elements in the graph. By using the '&db=' feature of nagiosgraph,
>>you can choose to graph only some elements from the RRD file, or you can
>>create multiple graphs from the one RRD file. Also, by using the
>>'&rrdopts=' feature of nagiosgraph (introduced in version 1.9 of
>>show.cgi, I believe), you can have some control over how the graph will
> That's what my serviceextinfo.cfg file looks like:
> Example:
> define serviceextinfo {
>         host_name                       Banking_System
>         service_description             PING
>         notes_url                    
> http://localhost/nagiosgraph/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVIC
> EDESC$&graph_name=nagios-ping

Hmm... where did the '&graph_name=nagios-ping' come from? I haven't used 
nagiosgraph much yet (still setting it up), but I've never seen that... 
also, I don't think you have to put the 'http://localhost' bit either 
(although it probably doesn't hurt).

Try defining the notes_url without those components, like this:

	notes_url	/nagiosgraph/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$

>         icon_image                      graph.gif
>         icon_image_alt                  View graphs
> }
> Yet if I type in the show.cgi URL without anything else (i.e
> http://localhost/nagiosgraph/show.cgi) , I just get a blank page with
> purple background and the words Performance data for host: service:  and a
> bunch of "broken" images.

That would make sense, as there are no variables to supply to show.cgi.

> Braun Brelin

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