Nagios 2.0b3 sub processes on starting

Greg Vickers g.vickers at
Fri Apr 15 06:37:24 CEST 2005

Hi all,

When Nagios 1.2 starts it seems to not spawn any children apart from 
checks being run.

I'm running up a dev envrionment of Nagios 2.0b3 on Debian stable. When 
Nagios starts there seems to be a parent and two child processes run on 
startup. Is this the default behaviour?

When the init script kills the parent PID, only one of the children 
dies, there still exists a child and the parent process. Killing the 
parent process ID again will then kill the parent and the remaining 
child process. Is this what other Nagios administrators have experienced?
To get around this problem I added:
sleep 1
kill $NagiosPID
to the kill_nagios subroutine in the init script.


Greg Vickers
Computer Systems Officer
Teaching and Learning Support Services, Systems and Architecture
Queensland University of Technology

Phone: (07) 3864 8276
Mobile: 0416 001 674, SD #6 6147
Email: g.vickers at

CRICOS No. 00213J

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