Need help with code...

Rob Wirtz rob at
Fri Apr 15 20:47:41 CEST 2005

I know this probably isn't the proper forum to ask for help on this, so
please disregard if you like.


I currently use Nagios to monitor my network.  I'd also like to tie in the
alarm system on my datacenter so that I get a page if the door is opened.
I've decided that the easiest way to do this without funding would be with a
serial loopback connector connected to the siren output on my alarm with a
normally closed relay.  The idea is that the loopback connector will be
wired across a normally closed relay, completing the loop.  If an alarm
condition occurs with the security system, tripping the siren will also trip
the relay, interrupting the serial loopback connected to one of my Windows


The problem is, I am not a programmer.  I know it should only take 5-10
lines of code to accomplish what I need.  What I would like is a small
program that transmits arbitrary data across the serial loopback connection.
If that connection is broken, then a file like "alarm.txt" will be written
to the hard drive.   Using the Check_nt pluigin to check for the presence of
this file will cause Nagios to send email and page alarms.


So to sum up:


Data loops continuously through serial loop

If loop interrupted: write alarm.txt file


Seems like it would be easy code to write, but like I said, I'm not a
programmer at all.


I've written about this issue before on this forum, but the suggestions I
received required purchasing hardware and software my budget does not allow.
If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate it.


Rob Wirtz CNE, MCSE

Senior Network Systems Analyst

Computing and Network Services

Kansas State University

2323 Anderson #146

Manhattan, KS  66502


rob at


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