Alerting of Host
Hendrik Baecker
b00mer at
Mon Apr 25 07:57:10 CEST 2005
Marc Powell schrieb:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: nagios-users-admin at [mailto:nagios-users-
>>admin at] On Behalf Of Hendrik Baecker
>>Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 3:38 AM
>>To: Jack A. Kanimea
>>Cc: nagios-users at
>>Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Alerting of Host
>>Jack A. Kanimea schrieb:
>>>Might sound like a funny question but am having difficulties with the
>>alert for nagios. At the moment we also have another alerting program
>>we would like to migrate to nagios. THe alerting in other program can
>>set in term of downtime. For example I set if there no ping request
>>15min continously please alert me. This take care of the problem of
>>flapping as well as false alarms alert on host actually going down. Am
>>trying to configure nagios to do the same requirment but I think I may
>>done something wrong. The alert am getting from nagios is either to
>>or if I get a down alert I can still ping the host and a reply is
>>>All I want to know if nagios can alert us base on if host is down for
>>minutes then alert. The closet I found on doc to do this was on
>>of hosts. But I think my configuration may be wrong I must be doing
>>something wrong
>>Set your max_check_attempts higher. To get your 15mins.
>This is really bad advice. Nagios will stop every other activity and
>only check this single host until max_check_attempts is reached. No
>other hosts or services will be checked. You want host checks to be as
>simple and quick as possible.
Ooops... sorry to all. I just forgot about this. Sorry for the bad tip.
>There might be something you could do with escalations. Look into that.
>Otherwise, my advice would be to create a PING service for the host, set
>it's max_check_attempts to 4 and it's retry_check_interval to 3.
>Assuming you have a normal_check_interval of 5, that'll get you about 15
>minutes down before alert. That's what I've done. You should disable the
>host check entirely if you do this.
Just as we do. For each host there is a minimum check_ping as a service
with check_interval, retry_interval and max_attemts as we want to.
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