problem with Nagiosgraph

Arnold Wang at
Thu Apr 28 19:26:53 CEST 2005

I know this is NOT exactly the list I should use for the help, however I'm stuck now and hopefully people on this list who have experience with Nagiosgraph can help me out. 
I have Nagios 2.0b3 installed with Nagiosgraph 0.4 on a RHEL4 machine. I'm having trouble to make Nagiosgraph working. Basically, the Nagios is not calling the script even I have everything configured according to the document, to the best of my knowledge. I checked this list and it seems the most possible cause is that Nagios is compiled with Perl cache enabled. I recompiled the Nagios with that option disable, still have embedded Perl enabled. The problem stays same. According the Nagios document, I can run "nagios -m" to verify the Perl option for Nagios. I tried and Nagios complained "-m" is an unknown option. Since there is no log entry in nagiosgraph.log file even after I set the log option to 5, I even don't know how to trouble shooting this problem. 
Please help.
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