Possible BUG: No Service Notifications - HELP!!!

Marco Ramos mramos at co.sapo.pt
Tue Dec 6 19:27:57 CET 2005

Do you have service escalations defined in your escalations.cfg? Do you
have notifications_enabled set to 1 in the services you want? How does
your services.cfg look like for the services you want to be notified?

Marco Ramos

On Tue, 2005-12-06 at 09:51 -0500, Ron Gage wrote:
> Hi:
> I have a fairly small Nagios installation (25 hosts, 50 services).
> I can not get any service notifications to fire at all.  None.
> I get host notifications without any problems, but absolutely no
> service notifications.  Nothing in the notification logs either.  The
> service outage is being properly recorded in the logs, but no
> notification is firing.
> I have verified that service notifications are turned on in the config
> files and that the mail command is properly defined.
> I have also tried (via the CGI interface) turning notifications off
> and on for various services and hosts – no difference.
> The part that really bugs me is that there is nothing in the
> notification logs when a service problem occurs.
> Can anyone offer me some guidance on where to look for this?
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