CPu consumption too high

Todd Barbera todd_barbera at wgbh.org
Fri Dec 9 13:40:05 CET 2005

Given that your CPU's are showing 97 and 99 percent usage by system resources, it sounds like an OS process is chewing up your CPU. Have you run "top" or another similar utility? sar, iostat, and vmstat are useful tools for helping track down performance issues. I know these are available on Solaris, but I can't speak for other *nix servers. Also, since your server has been running for over a year, there's a good chance you're well behind on your OS patch levels. It could be you've hit some sort of bug within your OS. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Guillaume RENARD 
  To: nagios-users at lists.sourceforge.net 
  Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 4:52 AM
  Subject: [Nagios-users] CPu consumption too high

  Hello All,

  I use Nagios 2.0b5 and I have only 210 services.
  The problem is that my server is running out of ressource 
   10:42:05  up 423 days, 19:36,  3 users,  load average: 8.18, 7.29, 6.54

  But nagios don't use so much ressource : 
   10:42:35  up 423 days, 19:37,  3 users,  load average: 8.63, 7.47, 6.62
  94 processes: 85 sleeping, 9 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
  CPU0 states:   0.0% user  99.4% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.1% idle
  CPU1 states:   2.1% user  97.4% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
  Mem:  1547392k av, 1536372k used,   11020k free,       0k shrd,     496k buff
                      440520k actv,     424k in_d,   13256k in_c 
  Swap: 2040244k av,    1496k used, 2038748k free                  570160k cached

  22562 nagios    25   0  1312 1312   784 R    23.9  0.0    0:04   1 nagios
  22570 nagios    25   0   464  464   400 D    23.5  0.0   0:03   0 check_snmp
  22569 nagios    25   0   444  444   388 R    22.4  0.0   0:03   1 urlize
  22568 nagios    25   0   468  468   400 R    18.9  0.0   0:05   0 check_snmp
  22577 nagios    25   0   528  528   468 R    15.9  0.0   0:00   0 check_ping
  22565 nagios    25   0   484  484   416 S     4.2  0.0   0:04   1 urlize
  21191 nagios    15   0  1268 1268   740 S     0.0  0.0   0:15   0 nagios
  22390 nagios    24   0  1312 1312   784 S     0.0  0.0   0:00   0 nagios
  22391 nagios    21   0  1288 1288   976 S     0.0  0.0   0:06   1 apan.sh
  22558 nagios    25   0  2344 2344  1400 S     0.0  0.1   0:02   0 check_snmp2
  22560 nagios    24   0  1312 1312   784 S     0.0  0.0   0:00   0 nagios
  22564 nagios    24   0  1312 1312   784 S     0.0  0.0   0:00   0 nagios
  22567 nagios    25   0  1312 1312   784 S     0.0  0.0   0:00   1 nagios

  I am using apan with nagios but it shouldn't take so many ressource.

  Does someone have an idea please ?

  Guillaume RENARD
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