R: R: Help on alert ping

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Wed Feb 2 14:22:42 CET 2005

Marco Borsani wrote:
> I tried to set the -l flag since 255, but nothing happened. I saw that,
> often, the hosts where check_icmp have this problem are unreachble with
> traceroute command, but still answer to ping command (and check_ping
> plugin).

That's very weird. Could you please run it as such;
check_icmp -v -v -v -v <target-ip>
and send me the output? It appears there is something very odd in your 
network, but if regular ping can handle it then check_icmp should be 
able to as well.

> My target should be to find a good alternative to the check_ping because
> some time it looks like heavy and send wrong notifications (notify an host
> down when it is up).
> Marco
> -}
> -}You can try using the -l flag to set ttl to a higher value on outgoing
> -}packets. The ttl decides the max number of hops/seconds a packet is
> -}allowed to live. The value reached first results in a ttl exceeded. "in
> -}transit" means the target host is more than outgoing_ttl hops away. "in
> -}packet reassembly" means fragments of the packet didn't arrive a maximum
> -}of remaining_ttl seconds after the IP-header on some router along the
> -}way. I've never seen the "in packet reassembly" happen on a modern
> -}network (not without making it, anyway).
> -}
> -}Also, check_icmp doesn't auto-increment it's ttl as normal ping may or
> -}may not do (system dependent). This is intentional, since it means it
> -}can be used to monitor the number of hops to a host and thus see if the
> -}normal or failover route is being used.
> -}
> -}--
> -}Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
> -}OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
> -}Lead Developer
> -}
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Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer

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