nagios running under RHCluster stop checking

Marcos Monge mmonge at
Wed Feb 9 12:06:52 CET 2005


I have installed "succesfull" a nagios under a Redhat Cluster suite of
2 nodes, sharing disk with iSCSI exported from a Netapp Filer. All in
a RHES 3.0 update4.

In general it work fine, switch from one node to the other without
problem, and all seens ok.

But after some time running (that it's, some moment beteween 1 hour
and 1 week from last start) nagios stop executing the checks. All the
daemons are running, the web cgi interface work, etc. But if you see
the "scheduling queue" for example, the "next check" time is stoped in
the time that the problem beging.

In the logs thereis no errors, all seens ok. Stop and start again
nagios solve the problem until the next fail.

Any idea about this problem? This beging from the moment that we put
it under the cluster. When nagios was running alone in one machine,
all was ok.

Best Regards

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