Freshness checking, Service dependicies and status output of all this...

Chris Hale chale at
Wed Feb 9 23:43:13 CET 2005

I guess I actually have two separate questions.

1)  I would like to use dependencies, but I don't see anyway of indicating
that the service being checked, is not, when the dependency fails.

IE:  I have on average 6 active checks per host... one of them being a ping
test, the other 5 system variables (drive space, memory usage, etc.).  There
is no reason to eat up forks and processor time (waiting for the timeout) on
the other five tests when the ping test is definitely hard down (especially
when the outage is close to the nagios server, causing a lot of hosts to go
into timeout loops), hence the reason why we would like to use dependencies.
But it appears that you can only suppress the active check and/or the
notification.  In suppressing the check, effectively we would only be
skipping the check, and there is no indication in the test results that we
did so.  We would like to have the status be updated with something like
"Unknown state: PING dependency failed"  I thought about a event handler,
but since there is no state change, you can't use that.
2)  If we switched to passive checks with the new NC_Net client (Thanks very
much too the coders working on that), are freshness checks affected by
service dependencies?  (My suspicion is that they are not)

Same scenario applies.  Why bother doing the freshness checks if the still
active ping test is failing.  And then just like above.  Can we change the
state too indicate the unknown results (and not the normal critical: plugin
timeout if it is tested or last known state if it is skipped with

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