Failover & passive checks

Andreas Ericsson ae at
Sat Feb 12 12:13:08 CET 2005

Jason Martin wrote:
> Has anycome come up with a reliable way of implementing passive
> checks that properly handles a Nagios failover?
> I'm looking at using SEC to send passive checks about syslog to
> Nagios. How should I go about handling the situation where my
> Nagios host fails over to another machine? send_nsca doesn't
> have any capability to attempt to detect if Nagios is running on
> the destination host when it transmits, and the 'failure' might
> not be as simple as a machine going down.
> The failover machine is in another datacenter, so a simple
> IP-handoff isn't feasible.   How has everyone else handled this
> sort if situation?

A code solution would be to have your primary nsca cache results to a 
file and submitted periodically every <random-interval> seconds by a 
script. At submit-time, the script could check if nagios is running on 
its own host and if not, submit to the fail-over host. If nsca also goes 
down (or the entire server) you're shit out of luck, but you're going to 
have to choose what you think will work in the end anyways.

> Thanks,
> -Jason Martin

Andreas Ericsson          at
OP5 AB                   
Lead Developer

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