ANNOUNCE: moodss-19.6

jfontain at jfontain at
Tue Feb 15 15:59:30 CET 2005

(I apologize for the intrusion, but I thought this might be of interest to all
of you. Please post all comments, bug reports, ... about the new Nagios plugins
support in moodss at the site. Thanks!)

### CHANGES ###

--- moodss 19.6 ---
- added nagios module, which can use any plugin from the Nagios
   monitoring software, with automatically preset thresholds, extending
   the number of potential moodss modules to a total of about 100 in the
- in moodss GUI:
   - also allow minimum value (both fixed and dynamic as dropped from a
     data cell) in following viewers: graph, overlap bar and side bar
     charts viewers
   - for graphs and stacked graphs viewers:
     - added the ability to choose the plot background color and
       whether a grid is displayed, in preferences and in dashboard
     - added grid entry in popup menu to allow grid setting per graph
     - in the lower right cell of displayed module data tables, the
       widget tip (balloon) would sometimes fail to display
   - prevent internal instance and formulas modules from being listed
     as loadable and loadable from command line
- implemented FreeBSD compatibility for the following modules:
   cpustats, memstats, mounts, ps, psbyname and psbyuser (many thanks
   to Ira Lee for his support)
- in all remote capable modules:
   - added -p port option for remote monitoring with ssh
   - made scripts used for remote monitoring compatible with sh Bourne
     shell, so that bash is no longer required
- in all MySQL modules, fixed mysqlinfo bug that occured when mysqltcl
   library version 3 was used
- in formulas documentation and help, last(), diff() and delta()
   documentation is also available in Japanese
- in ps module, in command line column, "c" characters were wrongly
- in ps, psbyname and psbyuser modules, gracefully handle invalid
   remote data, such as generated by echo statements in a user's
   .profile, for example
- in mounts modules, fixed remote monitoring for Linux (via rsh or
   ssh, bug introduced in 19.4 moodss release)
- added Log sample Perl asynchronous module, using threads to monitor
   a log file
- fixed standalone binary, which lacked tktable library

### README ###

This is moodss (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet) version
19.6 and moomps (Modular Object Oriented Multi-Purpose Service)
version 4.5.

For Unix Review, moodss is "a must-have application for today's
network and systems administrators", and for Eric S. Raymond, in "The
Art of UNIX Programming" book: "the code is polished, mature, and
considered an exemplar in the Tcl community."
Linux Magazine calls it a "lifesaver".
Tucows gives it 5 stars (cows or penguins :-).

Moodss is a modular application. It displays data described and
updated in one or more modules, which can be specified in the command
line or dynamically loaded or unloaded while the application is
running. Data is originally displayed in tables. Graphical viewers
(graph, bar, 3D pie charts, ...), summary tables (with current,
average, minimum and maximum values), tables of mathematical formulas
and free text viewers can be created from any number of table cells,
originating from any of the displayed tables or viewers. The display
area can be extended by adding pages with notebook tabs. Thresholds
can be set on any number of cells.

Moomps (shipped with moodss) is a monitoring daemon which works using
configuration files created by moodss. Thresholds, when crossed,
create messages in the system log, and eventually trigger the sending
of email alert messages and the execution of user defined scripts.

For both moodss and moomps, it is also possible to use a database as a
storage mean, so that data history is recorder and later made
available, for example, in presentations and graphs, via commonly
available spreadsheet software.

Specific modules can easily be developed in the Tcl, Perl and Python
scripting languages or in C.

A thorough and intuitive drag'n'drop scheme is used for most viewer
editing tasks: creation, modification, type mutation, destruction,
... and thresholds creation. Table rows can be sorted in increasing or
decreasing order by clicking on column titles. The current
configuration (modules, tables and viewers geometry, ...) can be saved
in a file at any time, and later loaded at the user's convenience,
thus achieving a dashboard functionality.

The module code is the link between the moodss core and the data to be
displayed. All the specific code is kept in the module package. Since
module data access is entirely customizable (through C code, Tcl,
Perl, Python, HTTP, ...) and since several modules can be loaded at
once, applications for moodss become limitless.

Many modules are provided, such as a comprehensive set for Linux
system monitoring, MySQL, network, SNMP, Nagios compatibility, Python
and Perl modules examples. For example, thoroughly monitor a dynamic
web server on a single dashboard with graphs, using the Apache, MySQL,
ODBC, cpustats, memstats, ... modules. If you have replicated servers,
dynamically add them to your view, even load the snmp module on the
fly and let your imagination take over...
There are currently about 100 usable modules for moodss (counting the
Nagios plugins)

Thorough help is provided through menus, widget tips, a message area,
a module help window and a global help window with a complete HTML

Moodss is multi-lingual thanks to Tcl internationalization
capabilities. English, Japanese and French are supported. Help with
other languages will be very warmly welcomed.

Development of moodss is continuing and as more features are added in
future versions, backward module code compatibility will be maintained.


You may find it now at the following locations:

Jean-Luc Fontaine

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::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null

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