Check disk space NS_Client

Bill Akins Bill_Akins at
Fri Feb 25 19:51:44 CET 2005

Got Python?  I came across this today while looking for something totaly
I'm sure you can do the same in Perl, VB, etc.

>>> Henrique Oliveira <holiveira at> 2/23/2005 11:26:11 AM

Sand Philipp wrote: Hi,This may not be the nicest way, but, you can
give it a try ... ;)Simply mount the folder you want to check to a
Driveletter e.g. net usex: \\\c$\blablabla and then check for
free space on x.  It's not possible because "net use" is used to map
network folders or shares, which
is not the case.

And of course the number of available letters is very limited (at this
point we have around
40 sites on this webserver)
________________________________	From:
nagios-users-admin at[mailto:nagios-users-admin at]
On Behalf Of HenriqueOliveira	Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 5:33
PM	To: nagios-users at	Subject:
[Nagios-users] Check disk space
NS_Client			Hello,		I'm
running Nagios 1.2 with Nagmin (DB support) with
noproblems.		We have a webserver running multiple
sites and we need to knowis a given site	(folder) has reached a
certain amount of disk usage.		Is it possible to monitor
directories in a hard-drive, opposedto only checking	the whole
hard-drive?		Regards,	Henrique Oliveira
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