alerts for a service that is not defined anymore..?
Marc Powell
marc at
Mon Jan 17 18:41:10 CET 2005
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagios-users-admin at [mailto:nagios-users-
> admin at] On Behalf Of Daniel maher
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 10:45 AM
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] alerts for a service that is not defined
> anymore..?
> Hello all,
> I'm currently receiving alerts for a service that no longer exists,
and is
> no longer defined in Nagios. I commented out the service entry in
> services.cfg, and restarted (clean, not HUP) the Nagios process. The
> service is not visible in any part of the web interface, and all
traces of
> it in the configuration files are commented out; yet, I am still
> alerts every 10 minutes about the fact that the service is in a
> state.
> Any ideas? I'm getting tired of deleting these alerts. :(
This is a classic symptom of having multiple Nagios processes running or
of a failed restart. Are you sure the restart worked? I'd suggest you
stop Nagios, use ps to verify that all processes are stopped, kill any
that remain and restart Nagios.
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