Is is possible to setup an 'aggregate service'?
jkmoseley at
Wed Jan 19 05:06:57 CET 2005
Most, if not all, of your requests can be done using event handlers. Basically,
in an existing service or host definition, you use the 'event_handler' directive
to execute a script if a service or host is up/down/critical, etc. If one of
the services on a host goes down, that script could simply be setup to email
(using Nagios utilities if you wish) or page with a predefined message stating
'High Level Service problem - Service X on Host B down' or whatever...
Check out the redundant monitoring section of the docs for more info on event
Quoting Jason Dinsdale <jasondinsdale at>:
> I have Nagios installed and running just fine, and what a great tool it is
> too ... kudos to Ethan.
> I have a Q about whether it is possible to setup what I like to call
> an 'aggregate' service - a check of the doco gave me nothing. (and leads me
> to
> believe that this cannot be done currently?); our company has several
> business-
> level (or abstract) services that are in fact comprised of multiple
> host-level
> services, all of which contribute to this high-level service being 'up' or
> not. For example, for this high-level service to be deemed as 'up' by the
> business, the following all need to be OK:
> - Host A - 3 x processes, and 2 x specific established TCP connections.
> - Host B - 3 x processes, and 2 x specific established TCP connections.
> - Host C - DNS service, 2 x specific processes.
> - Host D - WWW service.
> - Host E - Database up and responding to queries.
> What I'd like to do is setup an 'aggregate service' who's state is dependant
> on the state of these specific services on hosts A, B, C, D & E so that:
> - If all services on A,B,C,D & E are OK, then the aggregate services is OK.
> - If one of the services on A,B,C,D & E is in a WARNING state, then the
> aggregate services is also in a WARNING state.
> - As above, but with CRITICAL.
> A further real-world wrinkle to this is that hosts A & B are in a load-
> balanced config, so that if one host is down (CRITICAL) this is not actually
> a
> CRITICAL problem for the 'aggregate' service since it can still function
> using
> host B, and so it would be more appropriate to give the aggregate service
> a 'WARNING' condition. This being the case it would be ideal if there was
> some way of describing these dependencies.
> So can this be done, or is this really a new feature request? Some of you
> might suggest that I just write a check for all these conditions and use a
> simple service check, but to me it makes a lot of sense to just leverage the
> existing service/check infrastructure and associated status info within
> Nagios.
> Unfortunately I'm not much of a developer (not at this level anyway) so it's
> beyond me to write a mod to Nagios itself... :(
> Thanks,
> Jason
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