upgrade to 2.0b1 / event handlers broken
jkmoseley at jump.net
Wed Jan 19 16:03:38 CET 2005
Like I said, I seriously doubt this is a 'shell' issue. The event handlers were
properly executed before the upgrade. Everything else works OK after upgrading,
except that the nagios process appears to *not* be calling the scripts... One
script handler is supposed to be called when the check_nrpe check fails to
detect the nagios process running on another box. The check_nrpe plugin was
recently built and an alarm condition is generated when Nagios is killed on the
other system - so I don't think the problem is outdated plugins, either...
Quoting Andreas Ericsson <ae at op5.se>:
> Steve Shipway wrote:
> > James Mosley wrote:
> >
> >>[1106090538] SERVICE EVENT HANDLER:
> >>tx-svr-1;NAGIOS;CRITICAL;HARD;2;handle-master-proc-event
> >>[1106090658] SERVICE EVENT HANDLER:
> >>tx-svr-1;NAGIOS;OK;HARD;2;handle-master-proc-event
> >>
> >>However, the event scripts simply aren't being called by the
> >>nagios process as verified by modifications I made to them for
> >>testing purposes. Running the EV scripts manually works, so
> >>it's not broken scripts. Addtionally, all the config
> >
> >
> > I've had similar behaviour under Nagios 1.2. An event handler script
> > (written in perl) ran fine from the command line, but not as an event
> > handler.
> >
> > I found that, if I specified the perl executable on the commandline, or
> even
> > wrapped it in a shellscript,
> Shell-scripts always work with decently recent shells, since popen and
> system actually "run /bin/sh -c <command>" to get things done.
> > it worked:
> > command_line /usr/bin/perl $USER2$/eh-send-bb.pl $SERVICESTATE$
> >
> The shell should take care of it provided the +x bit is set for the user
> who's trying to execute and a properly formatted hashbang line is
> present at the very top of the script.
> chmod 755 script takes care of the permissions. The hashbang line should
> look like so;
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> (i.e. without spaces and such to ensure workability with older shells).
> > No idea why, but this might help you if the scripts are perl or shell
> > scripts?
> >
> > Steve
> >
> > ---
> > Steve Shipway: ITSS, University of Auckland
> > Email: s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz Web: http://www.steveshipway.org/
> > ** We can only discover new oceans when we have the **
> > ** courage to lose sight of the shore. **
> --
> Andreas Ericsson andreas.ericsson at op5.se
> OP5 AB www.op5.se
> Lead Developer
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