R: R: Notify on sigle events
Andreas Ericsson
ae at op5.se
Wed Jan 19 20:32:25 CET 2005
Marco Borsani wrote:
> -}> Well, my customer want to receive notifications every time some
> -}particular
> -}> strings are written inside that log file.
> -}> Probably Nagios can not do this ....
> -}
> -}Yes, certainly it can and there are plugins that do it. I know of at
> -}least three check_log plugins that are included with the standard
> -}plugins distribution --
> -}
> -}./plugins-scripts/check_log.sh
> -}./plugins-scripts/check_log
> -}./contrib/check_log2.pl
> -}
> -}Read the scripts to see what each is capable of and how to use them and
> -}choose the one that suits your needs. Failing that, and it should work
> -}for you, you could always use the guide on SNMP trap integration as an
> -}alternative method as they both have similar requirements --
> -}
> -}http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/2_0/int-snmptrap.html
> -}
> -}I would encourage you to use the check_log scripts though as the latter
> -}method is really overkill.
> -}
> -}--
> -}Marc
> -}
> Well, I know check_log plugin but it still "change the status" when match
> the "pattern" (third arguments of the check_log) in Critical and back to
> normal if nothing change inside the log file.
> The problem is that I need to send only one notification when match the
> "pattern" but mainteining the OK status.
Use the check_log2.pl plugin. It maintains status between tries in a
seekfile, so you'll only get one hit per pattern. Make sure you set your
max_check_attempts to 1 though.
> Marco
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Andreas Ericsson andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB www.op5.se
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