R: R: R: Notify on sigle events
Marco Borsani
m.borsani at it.net
Thu Jan 20 10:19:52 CET 2005
-}> Well, I know check_log plugin but it still "change the status"
-}when match
-}> the "pattern" (third arguments of the check_log) in Critical and back to
-}> normal if nothing change inside the log file.
-}> The problem is that I need to send only one notification when match the
-}> "pattern" but mainteining the OK status.
-}> Marco
-}Ah okay. Notifications are only sent out, if a status goes to WARNING OR
-}CRTITCAL. So you need a plugin which changes its status otherwise you
-}won't get a notification. If you don't want a state change in nagios,
-}you can still setup a cron job.
-}It looks like, a cron job in cunjunction with a small shell script
-}around check_log2.pl fits your needs much better, than nagios.
-}Another question: Why is it so important to maintain OK status? Where is
-}the problem, if the state changes?
I will never receive a message to return to an "OK status", so if nagios set
a "Critical status", nagios will maintain it forever!
If would be possible to set "manually" a service state (for example with a
shell script) to OK, I will not have any problem. In this case I could
receive one notifications when "the strings" are written in the log file,
but none "RED ALERT" appears in the web interface!
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