NRPE DB2 Alerts displayed but not escalated
Trevor Warren
trevorwarren at
Sat Jan 22 04:02:27 CET 2005
Morning Friends,
We are using Nagios with NRPE on the remote servers(AIX 5.2 and RHEL
3) which capture information with respect to DB2 and escalate the same
to the Central Nagios host. The process is as following:
> The sed/awk/bash scripts on the DB2 servers get the DB2 stats and create the requisite text files with the stats in it.
> Nagios Nrpe does a cat of the file on the remote machine and pulls the information across to it. The message are either of the type: "DB2 Buffer Pool Hit Ratio WARNING : Buffer Pool Hit Ratio Low" or "DB2 Buffer Pool Hit Ratio OK : Buffer Pool Hit Ratio Low Fine".
But irrespective of which message nrpe pulls from the DB2 servers
all you can see is the services showing up via the nagios web
interfaces in "OK" in green. This is a lil nausseating, i know its a
config issue on my part but i cant figure out what i should be passing
via NPRE to nagios such that it displays the "Warnings" in Yellow and
"Critical" in Red.
Please suggest. Thanks in advance guys.
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