Monitoring MySQL replication and rSync backups
Sheeri Kritzer
sheeri.kritzer at
Mon Jan 24 15:17:35 CET 2005
We have done that ourselves; see the attached for a plugin ready to go. We've
been using it for a few months now and it works swimmingly.
-Sheeri Kritzer
Systems Administrator
University Systems Group
Tufts University
sheeri.kritzer at
Quoting Jason Martin <jhmartin at>:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 12:00:48PM +0000, Alastair Battrick wrote:
> > Any idea how I can check if 2 servers are correctly MySQL replicated and
> > correctly rSync'd ?
> One could write a plugin that does a SHOW MASTER STATUS / SHOW
> SLAVE STATUS against the appropriate servers and check that the
> log positions are not more than X positions apart. It looks like
> this book ( has some sample code, although
> it isn't in the form of a Nagios plugin.
> rSync backups could be monitored by having the job log and
> monitoring the logfile or making the backup job a passive
> check.
> -Jason Martin
> --
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