Hostext info] ANYBODY??????
Sudheer Muddappa
sudheer at
Mon Jan 24 18:49:45 CET 2005
Hi Roberto,
This is what I have in my hostextinfo table.
mysql> select * from hostextinfo;
| host_name | notes_url | icon_image | vrml_image |
gd2_icon_image | icon_image_alt | x_2d | y_2d | x_3d | y_3d |
z_3d | have_2d_coords | have_3d_coords |
| netmonitor | http://netmonitor | debian.png | debian.png |
debian.gd2 | Debian | 100 | 200 | 100.0000 | 50.0000 |
75.0000 | 5 | 5 |
| gw198 | none | debian.png | debian.png |
debian.gd2 | Debian | 100 | 200 | 100.0000 | 50.0000 |
75.0000 | 5 | 5 |
Balestra, Roberto wrote:
> Hi,
> I have hostextinfo and serviceextinfo on mysql (3.23.58) on RH 7.3
> using Nagios 1.2
> In cgi.cfg I had comment hostextinfo and serviextinfo rows and I have
> added host, post, db, user and password as you.
> I have insert into table parametres that I want.
> Nothing else.
> If it doesn't work try to see your configuration of mysql, permission
> or case character. Try to connect to your mysql with:
> mysql -u abc -pabc -D abc
> and then run command
> select * from hostextinfo;
> Please, give me a feedback.
> Bye
> Roberto
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagios-users-admin at
> [mailto:nagios-users-admin at]On Behalf Of
> Sudheer Muddappa
> Sent: venerdì 21 gennaio 2005 23.16
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Hostext info] ANYBODY??????
> Any of you guys using hostextinfo and serviceextinfo with mysql?
> Sudheer Muddappa wrote:
>> I have populated the hostextinfo table wit the data. Still its
>> not working.
>> Marc Powell wrote:
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: nagios-users-admin at [mailto:nagios-users-
>>>>admin at] On Behalf Of Sudheer Muddappa
>>>>Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 9:20 AM
>>>>To: nagios-users at
>>>>Subject: [Nagios-users] Hostext info] ANYBODY??????
>>>>Can some one help me on this?
>>>>I have these parameters in my cgi.cfg file
>>>># Note: These config directives are only used if you compiled
>>>># in database support for extended data!
>>>># The user you specify here only needs SELECT privileges on the
>>>># 'hostextinfo' table in the database.
>>>If you've compiled Nagios with extended data in a database (as you
>>>indicate above) then everything below is pointless. Nagios will look for
>>>the extinfo definitions in the database, not hostextinfo.cfg.
>>>You'll need to create the appropriate tables and populate them with your
>>>extinfo data.
>>>>in hostexetinfo.cfg i have this entry.
>>>>define hostextinfo{
>>>> host_name netmonitor
>>>> notes_url none
>>>> icon_image debian.png
>>>> vrml_image debian.png
>>>> gd2_icon_image debian.gd2
>>>> icon_image_alt Debian Server
>>>> statusmap_image debian.gd2
>>>> 2d_coords 100,200
>>>> 3d_coords 100.0,50.0,75.0
>>>> }
>>>>Is this right? Do i need to configure anything else?
>>>>Other severvices of nagios are managed by mysql db.
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>>>::: Please include Nagios version, plugin version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue.
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