Resolving Host Names via DNS

Schmitz, Carsten Carsten.Schmitz at
Tue Jan 25 15:33:12 CET 2005 says:

"You can use a FQDN to identify the host instead of an IP address, but if DNS services are not availble this could cause problems."

Though I imagine its fun having many services set up with paging alerts this way, and then DNS goes down ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: nagios-users-admin at
[mailto:nagios-users-admin at]On Behalf Of Kaplan,
Andrew H.
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 3:23 PM
To: Nagios-Users (E-mail)
Subject: [Nagios-users] Resolving Host Names via DNS

Hi there --

The Nagios server is currently using the /etc/hosts file to resolve hostnames to
their ip addresses. The request has been made by my supervisors 
to have it resolve hosts via DNS. The order can be either /etc/hosts -> DNS or
DNS -> /etc/hosts. What is the procedure for having DNS name
resolution thrown into the mix? Thanks.

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