Can someone have a look please?

Stephan Janosch stephan.janosch at
Tue Jan 25 13:37:03 CET 2005

Schmitz, Carsten wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> Its probably just the weird way my brain is wired ;) but if I imagine for a second knowing nothing about Nagios (okay, I don't know much anyway ;) then I'd have my difficulties with the pic and would start digging for a textual representation.
> Some ideas maybe:
> - the arrows could have a text in the middle of them, pointing out what actually happens. And include file names. Like this:
>   PLUGIN    --- is defined in --->   COMMAND DEFINITION   --- is used to check --->   SERVICE
>                                      (checkcommands.cfg)
> - maybe it could also be beneficial to make graphically clear that hostgroups are containers for hosts? Like having a few boxes for hosts pointing to a common hostgroup.
> Host1  Host2   Host3  [...]
>   |      |      |       |
> ---------------------------
> | Hostgroup 1             |
> ---------------------------
> Or even use simplified real life names, i.e. like this:
> Oracle  Sybase  Postgresql  [...]
>   |      |      |             |
> ---------------------------------
> | Hostgroup DATABASE BOXES      |
> ---------------------------------
> Exactly the same goes for contacts / contactgroups I guess.
> - In any case, a textual explaination should be nearby, on the same page or such.
> Just my $0.02 (oder, meine zwei Eurocent :)
> Cheers,
> Carsten

This image is firstly made for an presentation. You are right, there 
must be some explanation. In case of the presentation, my oral 
explaination will clear it up. This image is more an additional helper.

The image shows also another fact. You have quiet a lot of arrows. If 
you want to do a config software for nagios, you have to implement all 
these arrows. I think that amount of work prevents the existence of a 
full (open source) featured config solution.

Danke dür die Eurocent. *fg*


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